You have run a Detailed usage Report and in the list of Outbound (email)
addresses, you are seeing the emails/users that are no longer in the system as users and would like to clean these users from the report.
All the users (including the ones that are no longer in the system or now inactive) appearing in the report is expected behavior because many companies need a report of the total number of faxes sent in a particular time period. If the users that are no longer in the system are not accounted for, then the report will contain an incorrect number of faxes that were sent.
For the users that are no longer in the system, their user id is stored in the reporting table. This can be adjusted so that inactive users are not displayed, but the emails will still show up in the report with a blank email address.
If you wish to still completely delete the faxes for the inactive users, then open a Support request with us. Kindly provide the Detailed usage Report in the Support request, so that we can find the inactive users.
Note: This action cannot be undone and going forward, the report will contain the wrong number of sent faxes as it will only list the active users.
Support needs to escalate this to the Development/Engineering team so that they can find and delete the faxes for the inactive users. Although it is stated in this article that this action cannot be undone, it is recommended to get a confirmation from the customer before the deletion.