This article describes the procedure to add new administrators with full permissions to add or modify departments.
Follow these steps to add new administrators with full permissions to create new departments:
- Log on to the FaxMaker Online Administrator Portal and go to Settings > Administrators
- Click Add Administrator. When changing the permissions for an existing Administrator, click on the gear icon next to the Administrator name on the left panel and select Edit Admin.
- Skip to step 6 if editing an existing Administrator, otherwise key in the administrator's First name and Surname.
- Specify the administrator's email address. This is the email address that the new administrator must use to login to the GFI FaxMaker Online Administration Console.
- Key in a new Password or click Generate to automatically create a new password.
Note: The six bars at the bottom right corner indicate password strength. Use numbers, symbols, upper/lower case characters and up to 10 characters for a password that returns 6 green bars.
- Choose a department. To add an administrator with access to all users and all departments, choose the company. If no department is chosen, the administrator will automatically be assigned access to the company.
- Note: Administrators that have been assigned to a department only have access to users and administrators in that department and cannot, therefore, create new departments. For an administrator to have permissions to create or modify departments, they must be assigned to the company.
- Click Create if you were Adding a new Administrator otherwise click Save to update the Administrator permissions.
Administrators that have access to all departments in a company, can also configure the default company settings and add new departments.
Company settings are accessible from the top-node department, represented by the icon . These settings apply when no department is configured. You can also configure the company's email address where subscription notifications are to be sent.
Administrators with full access can also add new departments. Click Add Department and follow the step-by-step wizard. For more information refer to Adding departments.