The following error is encountered after a fax email request is sent from GFI FaxMaker Online client:
'An error was encountered while sending the fax. Error: C-0019 - Login credentials are incorrect.'
This article provides details on how to correct this issue.
- GFI FaxMaker Online client
- All supported environments
Root Cause
Each licensed GFI FaxMaker Online user has their user credentials to send a fax email message using HTTPS from GFI FaxMaker Online client. There is no password set by default for user accounts, so the password will need to be reset upon the first usage.
Please make sure that the email address, the user name, and the password are correct set under the Options > Connection Settings tab. If you still encounter the error mentioned above, click on the Forgot Credentials button. This will re-send a new password to the designated email.
Note: at least ONE special character must be included in the password. The system will accept passwords without special characters, but the GFI FaxMaker Online client will reject the call if a special character is missing from the password.